Beginner calisthenics exercises to get you started at home

A long time ago, before the gym culture came up, exercise was just a simple affair. It was less complicated compared to today. We did not consider different muscle group exercises or the type of diet to consider, or the maximum number of reps performed. We got stuck on our natural body movements.

But today, fitness has taken another level. Gyms are equipped with high-end machines like a cornucopia, treadmills, and cable machines, which are examples of what we exercise today. But, are all this necessary? Even though exercises in the past were primitive, it was also functional and natural.

The whole idea about exercising is the functionality, so it should be our core philosophy while exercising. And that is where functional strength training comes in, as it only needs your body weight. One of the hottest fitness trends is Calisthenics exercises. It takes us back to nature and simplicity. Calisthenics is a strength training exercise as resistance depends on our body weight. It is an exercise that is easy to start and does not take much time; therefore, you can perform it outdoors or at home. And calisthenics benefits are beyond strength training, and that is why it is a bodyweight exercise.

Top 5 Exercises To Get You Started

The way you begin with beginner exercises in the gym is the same rule that applies to calisthenics, focus on form first and progressive overload later. As a beginner, the five focus areas for physical development include activation, mobility, pulling strength, core strength, and pushing strength.

The mobility and activation exercises help in improving and restoring postural alignment. These are necessary exercises, especially when we look back at modern-day demands in our lives. That includes sitting for longer periods, playing mobile phone games, and also slouching over a computer the whole day. Each activity affects body weight.

On the other hand, core strength, pushing strength and pulling strength help you learn more about body control, which you will gladly apply to any other type of movement afterward. Below are the five best beginner exercises for you to start with.

  1. Pull-ups

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen your arms, back, and secondary muscles like shoulders and abs. This exercise is necessary to loosen off and mobilize tight muscles that affect posture and the shoulder position. You can begin with ten pull-ups as you progress to the intermediate level.

To perform the exercise, you need a bar. Then you should;

  • Stand while facing the bar.
  • Grasp the bar with your arms. Ensure it is slightly more t6han your shoulder-width apart
  • Rely on your shoulder muscle to pull you up until your head is up above the bar.
  1. Push-ups

Push-ups help in building strong triceps, chest, and secondary muscles, i.e., shoulders. Depending on your ability, you can start with 5-20 reps. However, if you can perform more than 20, you can move to the next level. It is an excellent exercise to consider at home; it not only strengthen the core, but you can also exercise it anywhere as long as it is on a flat surface.

  • First, set up with your body weight supported on the hands and toes underneath and slightly outside the shoulders.
  • While holding your body up with the arms, extend your legs to get into a plank position.
  • You should be careful not to let your back sag stick into the air.
  • To lower your body, you have to bend the elbows until the chest almost touches the floor.
  • When your body's upper part is in the lower position, your upper arms should be at 45 degrees angle.
  • While in the lower position, you should pause then push back to your starting position quickly.
  • Then, you can keep your core or abdomen flexed during the exercise

Push Ups Outdoors

  1. Dips

This exercise helps in strengthening the whole upper body muscles. To perform this workout, you need a dip bar. If you don't have a dip bar, then you can use a bench or exercise ball, therefore a simple exercise to perform at home. You can start with 20 dips as a beginner. So, if using a dip bar;

  • You have to stand inside the dip bar then use your shoulders and arms to fit you

  • You also need to bend the elbows back by relying on your tricep muscles to move you down and up.

If you are using any of the other options above, you must ensure your feet remain on the ground while keeping the knees bent at 90-degrees.

  1. Squats

If you want to strengthen your legs, then this is the best exercise. As it stands, this exercise does not need any equipment, so it is easy to do anywhere. You can perform at least 15-20 reps for this exercise as a beginner before advancing to the next level.

  • Stand with your feet at least your shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself to a squatting position. Bend on your knees and sit back with your hips.
  • Maintain your upper body upright with your head facing forward throughout
  • While squatting, go down as much as possible and then reverse your motion to the starting position.

However, do not extend the knees over the toes as it moves the squat straining to the knee. It can cause knee joint injury.

  1. Dead bugs

The main purpose of this exercise is to give you the key to the ribcage and pelvic control. Meaning gravity will not be able to dictate these positions. This exercise targets the trunk muscles; that is why it is more popular for runners. Though dead bugs seem to be an easy exercise, it will highlight your weak core, especially for the lower abdomens, if done properly.

  • First, You need to place a flat cushion or towel under the shoulders to support your neck. You also need a padded mat to place on the floor.
  • Ensure your shoulders and lower back falls lie flat on the floor
  • To get to the starting position, lift your hands, and ensure the elbows are above your shoulders.
  • Lift your legs. and ensure the knees are over your hips
  • While exhaling, lower your left leg and right arm until they are just above the floor.
  • While inhaling, bring the arm and leg ta the starting position.
  • Repeat the same procedure on your right leg and left arm

The whole process counts as one rep

As a beginner, you can start with 1-3 sets of 5-12 repetitions on each side. Once you have mastered the process, then you can progress to the next level.

However, there are other variations for deadbug if you find this variation difficult. That is:

  • Leg extensions- You press one foot from your body to straighten the leg.
  • Heel taps- By keeping your knees bent, lower one foot, then tap the floor with your heel.
  • Leg raises- To perform this variation, you have to straighten your legs and ensure the feet face the ceiling. Lower down one leg at a time.
  • Palms against your home walls-bring the arms overhead, press the palms into the walls with the knee above the hips.


Bonus: Another calisthenic exercise suitable for a beginner is the ab rollout. A very popular ab exercise that builds up core strenth and can be brutal for the abs. However, the difference between this workout and the previous one is that you need equipment while the rest only need your body weight. This exercise targets your core muscles, specifically the lower back, obliques, and rectus abdominis. To perform this exercise, you need an exercise ball, a stability ball, and can work on your upper back muscles and shoulders. This exercise is also referred to as Swiss ball rollout, TRX rollout, Exercise ball rollout, or ab wheel rollout. To perform this workout;

  • Kneel on a flat surface. Your stability ball should be in front of you, within your arms, rich.
  • With a loose fist in your hands, place it on your balls with your forearms resting on the ball. The elbows should bend at 90-degrees. Your body should remain straight in line with your back flat.
  • Use your hands to roll the ball forward as your body and arms straighten out. Put all your motion focus straight ahead as the motion has to be slow and controlled.
  • Roll out as much as you can until your chest touches the ball. You can then maintain your body at this position for some seconds.
  • Reverse this movement by slowly bending the elbows for the ball to roll back at the starting position. Maintain your core in the right position so that the hips do not drop.


Although these are beginner calisthenics exercises that you can try, there are still more for you. But it is good to know the basics. This workout helps build muscle strength, and once you have built up a proper form and solid core, you can advance your workouts to the next level. If you want something more to chew on check out our bodyweight exercise database.

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