The Benefits of calisthenics

Guest Post

It is inarguable that working out and keeping fits gives numerous advantages to our bodies and improves our health. When we are fit, we are more relaxed, breathe easier and are less predisposed to some lifestyle diseases. However, there are days you wake up and have zero desire to hit the gym. All the same, you still want a strong core and abs for days. There are mornings where even though you understand the benefits of working out, you are just too lazy to get out of your cozy bed, lift another weight, or spend fifteen minutes on the treadmill.

That's why I always recomend to turn to calisthenics for your daily dose of simple, but extremely effective workouts. Such exercises have become a form of keep-fit-obsession for many people. Similarly, you could also look into calisthenics blend it into your daily workouts. This form of exercise has been in existence for ages ad have conferred incredible health to people. If you are looking for a workout to form, endurance, agility, and effective bodyweight training, then calisthenics is the ultimate choice for you.

What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics is a form of resistance training where you get to achieve agility and athletic ability using your body weight. It has been described as one of the simplest yet most effective form of body training. This form of exercise has become a core inclusion for every fitness enthusiast. It has come in handy to me because I have personally reaped an array of benefits from body weight lifting that needs no equipment.

The Benefits?

Helps to build your core

Calisthenics helped me realize my dream, albeit over some time. My weight became a valuable tool- a concept that was quite new to me. As I progressed from the beginner stage, I realized that my core strength was gradually building. I was especially delighted with the progress as I had learned that a good core is essential in stabilizing one's back. When a person trains their core, their back subsequently becomes healthier and stronger. A strong core also enhances your flexibility, improves your posture, and further enables you to run faster. One of the key calisthenics tips is that while bodyweight exercises are effective, the results are not visible on the spot. Patience is key.

Calisthenics is not a cup of magic. You have to be resilient and patient, and the results will show gradually. If you do not trust my word for it, you can draw confidence on calisthenics effectiveness from the fact that the U.S military uses bodyweight training to build and strengthen the body. The best thing is that you do not suffer through the wear and sores that come with lifting weights! Therefore, if you are like me and looking into building your core without lifting weights at the gym, use the accessible strong horizontal bar as your companion to achieve your desired results.

For a more complete list of exercises and tips on how to perform them check out our exercise collection here

Man tying shoes before a run

Enhances Cardiovascular Activities

Cardio excites me because of the benefits derived from the same. Statistics show that more than 250,000 deaths that occur annually in the U.S are traced back to reduced or total lack of physical activities. I have always engaged in cardio because I do not want to be among the statistics. There are proven studies demonstrating that physical activities have protective effects against different cardiovascular ailments such as hypertension. One key benefits of calisthenics is that it enhances your capacity for doing cardio activities.

As you engage in calisthenics, you use your entire body. All muscles and every body part, right from the soles of your feet up through to your fingertips are all put to use. You gradually realize that your can run a longer distance without your feet feeling like they are on fire. Once you are on your treadmill or decide to engage in some early-morning rope skipping, you enjoy an enhanced capacity for cardio activities without feeling that you will drop dead as soon as you start. Cardio is among the best forms of weight-loss exercises. Engage in bodyweight training to enhance your cardio capacity.

Among other helpful calisthenics tips I found useful was to never compare myself with others. A beginner's capacity and skillfulness at different bodyweight training exercises is different from a skilled individual. I realized that my younger friends found calisthenics easier than I did. I chose to trust and respect the process, knowing fully well that I have my own goals. Regardless of your stage, age, or gender, you stand to enjoy better health if you engage in calisthenics as they enhance your ability to engage in cardio activities. You will dance, swim, and run better.

Builds your Flexibility and Agility

Calisthenics involves numerous body movements that requires the utmost flexiblity. As you gradually progress, you will realize that your body becomes stronger as it gradually adapts to doing different exercises, and you comfortably bend, twist, or shift to different positions. Calisthenics has been helpful to me as I not only utilize correct muscle groups, but I realized that I use all muscles. Subsequently, one move easier, becomes more flexible, and you observe some impressive agility levels.

Flexibility and agility are fundamental to proper exercises, especially when one has advanced to expert levels. Enjoy the health benefits that come with calisthenics, including reduced joint pains after a long day, fewer muscle injuries, and an enhanced ability to take longer and tougher hikes. The results will be better breathing, better sleep, and reduced predisposition to heart attacks, better blood flow, and a generally healthier life. Key calisthenics tips that I have found beneficial is to remember that everyone was once a beginner.

When you see a person effortlessly and impressively involving themselves in street calisthenics, remember that they all had to start from somewhere. If you find it hard to do repeat burpees that incorporate a push-up, do not be discouraged from starting. Start slowly and build your agility and flexibility up. Our workout goals all differ. Abilities and past exercise histories all vary and if you feel that just can't cut it a body weight workout program focused on values similar to yours might help keep you commited and motivated.

Improved Mental Health

Every fabric of your being is responsible for your happiness. While external factors such as a job, money, and success may contribute to being happy, true happiness can only come from within. Most calisthenics exercises result in the release of endorphins which are the happiness hormones. Imagine being happy without spending your hard-earned cash, and, at the same time, repeating countless health benefits and getting the body of your dreams! You only have to use your body weight! Calisthenics improves your mental health in two ways.

For starters, body weight training enhances your mindfulness. When using your body weight for exercises, you need to focus. You need high concentration levels as you gradually learn to move and there is no room for worries, stress, and unending thoughts. When I am doing my calisthenics, I find my mind being extremely at peace. In fact, I find calisthenics akin to meditation. I remember when I first tried an upside down handstand move. I realized that I needed an intense connection between my mind and body to hack it. I have also found the handstand position to be among one of the most relaxing calisthenics exercise.

serene view of lake

Significantly, I enjoy calisthenics because I get to enjoy the world around me. I enjoy the mountains view and the serenity in my backyard. When you exercise, you benefit your body and your mind. You feel more relaxed and experience a boost of self-confidence as you conquer new challenges in calisthenics. You also overcome body dysmorphia.

You can work out anywhere at any time without any equipment

Apart from the health benefits of calisthenics, calisthenics exercises are preferred as they are a cheap but effective way of working out. You do not need to pay a gym membership or invest in expensive weightlifting. In fact, calisthenics came in handy when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I realized that going to the gym was too risky. I also realized that I had become overly dependent on gym equipment. When I learned about calisthenics, I discovered an entirely different exercise world. I realized that being healthy through exercise does not have to be a pocket-denting venture. As long as you have a room where you can lie down, you can comfortably engage in bodyweight training.

You do not need expensive equipment when you use your body weight for training. If you lift your 200lb body using your hands, remember you are lifting a 200lb weight! If you make your bodyweight training a habit, you will save money, save time, and enjoy immeasurable health benefits. It is time to reconsider and rethink exercise by embracing calisthenics.

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