How To Build Muscle With Calisthenics

Often, the intent to build muscle is associated with lifting heavy weights. Myth has it that in order to bulk up, you must spend hours lifting weights in the gym. This, however, is a common misconception. Can you build muscle just from using your body weight? The answer is: Yes, of course you can

You have definitely seen it all around you. The guy at the gym who can lift most of their upper body above the pull-up bar and the one online who can do a headstand using only two fingers all have one thing in common. Calisthenics (usually).

What is calisthenics?

Tee Major, a U.S. military fitness instructor and author of Urban Calisthenics, defines calisthenics as an art form utilizing only one's body weight to maximize athletic power and human ability. Fundamentally, the goal of calisthenics is to master control over lifting while moving your body in space.

This form of exercise is the simplest and has been around for a very long time. Calisthenics is a term derived from the Greek term kallos meaning beauty and sthenos, which means strength. Historically, the practice is recorded to have been used in Ancient Greece by the armies of Alexander the Great and the Spartans.

Calisthenics was later used as a means of promoting health and with time evolved into a training method that is very similar to gymnastics. If you want to read more on calisthenics and some of its benefits you can read about it here.

Are calisthenics effective?

Research shows that calisthenics is an effective physical activity that improves strength endurance, postural sway, and significantly reduces body fat mass. The brain doesn't differentiate between how resistance is being applied but that there is resistance that it needs to overcome. It then helps the body produce force to overcome the resistance with your muscles.

How can calisthenics build muscle?

In order to build muscle, the body needs favorable conditions, also known as hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy is defined as the enlargement of the skeletal muscle fibers as the body reacts to overcoming force caused by high levels of tension. You need to create conditions for hypertrophy to occur by providing high levels of force and tension and then forcing your muscles to overcome the resistance being applied to them. Your body then needs to adapt to the new stress you're placing on it.

Once the mind establishes there is resistance, it will produce force through your muscles to overcome it.

gymnast hanging

Calisthenic Equipment

The fantastic thing about calisthenics is that you do not need any complex equipment to get started, and neither do you need a monthly subscription or a gym membership. The basic equipment you need is available at the park for free. If you are serious about practicing calisthenics at home, some good to have things are:

  • A pull-up bar

  • Paralletes

  • Resistance bands

Calisthenics workout for beginners

It is crucial to test out a couple of beginner exercises, learn the right form, and then put them in a complete routine. Remember, it is better to do the exercise with good form a few times than doing it many times with a bad form. Here are some great calisthenics workouts for beginners:


Stand with a pull-up or exercise bar right in front of you. Hold the bar from underneath and ensure your arms close tightly at a shoulder-width grip. Using your biceps, pull yourself up to bring your head up and over the bar.


Face down with your arms and toes on the ground. Ensure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and your forearms are on the floor facing forward. Keep your back straight, head relaxed, and engage your core and glutes. Hold the position without sagging your hips for 30-45 seconds.


Get on your knees and carefully place your hands shoulder-width apart underneath you. Stretch your legs out while holding your body in a plank position. Ensure your backside doesn't stick out or sag. Slowly lower your body by bending at the elbows until your chest almost touches the floor. Pause for a few seconds, then push back up. Keep your core engaged through the entire movement.


Stand with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into a sitting position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Go as far down as you can, then come back to a standing position. Ensure you keep your back straight and head up throughout the exercise.


Stand inside a dip bar and, using your shoulders and arms, lift yourself off the floor. Lower your body by bending at the elbows and use your triceps to move up and down for a few repetitions. If you don't have a dip bar, use a bench or exercise ball. Keep your feet on the ground, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, and then lift and lower your body.


While standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, step forward with the left leg and bend it at the knee. Lower your knee down until it almost touches the ground and pause for 20 seconds. Using your heel, lift yourself up and push into another lunge using your right leg.

Calisthenics, how many times a week should you train?

Often, the frequency of a calisthenics practice varies between individuals based on the difficulty and intensity of the exercises. However, three days a week is an excellent place to start. It is advisable to give your muscles at least 48 hours to rest. Over time, you may increase the frequency to five days a week or more.

The benefits of calisthenics

Frequently practicing calisthenics is not only beneficial for the body but also your lifestyle.

  • You can practice anywhere: Since calisthenics exercises utilize body weight for resistance, you can practice in the comfort of your home, at the park, or in a hotel room when on holiday.

  • It is great for beginners: Most calisthenics exercises are simple and commonly practiced. When starting out, you need to focus on the correct form before progressing to higher resistance exercises.

  • It utilizes the entire body: Unlike traditional weight lifting, calisthenics exercises are designed to incorporate the whole body into the movement rather than just a single part.

  • It helps build strength: Calisthenic exercise allows your body to build strength sustainably. In the long run, your entire body grows stronger too.


As you begin to establish a calisthenic practice, focus on basic beginner exercises, and work on achieving a great form. Build on it and over time as your body starts to acquire strength, progress to complex, challenging exercises with equipment as demonstrated in our article Top 5 Equipment To Build a Calisthenics Home Gym. Remember, exercise isn't everything, and healthy eating habits go a long way towards helping you achieve your fitness goals.

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