Calisthenics: The Secret Home At Workout Technique to Kick-start your 2021

When New Year's resolutions involve fitness, a lot of people tend to think that they need to enroll in a gym or invest in expensive gym equipment to start working out on a regular basis. However, this is not entirely true. So my question to you is: why not kick-start your 2021 with calisthenics?
Glad you agree! Now you might wonder what exactly calisthenics entails, and how can you benefit from working out on a regular basis? I'm glad you asked, lets go over some of the basics.

What Does Calisthenics Involve?

Even if you do not know what calisthenics is, chances are that you have practiced it or seen it in action at some point in your life. Simply put, calisthenics is a form of physical exercise that uses body weight and gravity leverage to challenge the level of a person's fitness. In some cases, small handheld tools, such as wands and rings, may be used. The exercises can be performed at varying levels of rhythm and intensity, depending on a person's strength, endurance, and fitness. Calisthenics is meant to help people improve their levels of strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination, and this is why it is common in the fitness training of law enforcement officers, athletes, and even military personnel.


Working out is all about making movements that put muscles at work and cause the body to burn calories. There are many types of physical exercises that you can engage in to this end. Below is a rundown of the ways in which working out even just a little bit can benefit your body and mind.

Manage your Weight

In addition to having a healthy diet, working out can go a long way in helping you manage weight and prevent obesity. For you to maintain a healthy weight, you need to burn as many calories as you take and, if you would like to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take. Therefore, whether you would like to maintain or reduce weight, working out will help you to achieve your goal.

Prevent Cardiovascular Problems

Regular physical exercise is known to strengthen the heart and consequently improve blood circulation. Improved circulation has the effect of improving oxygen levels in all organs, and this significantly lowers the risk of heart disease.

Manage Stress

During physical exercise, your body tends to release chemicals that make you feel more relaxed and improve your moods. As such, physical exercise can help you to manage your stress levels and consequently reduce the risk of depression.

Improve Musculoskeletal Health

Working out can go a long way when it comes to strengthening bones and muscles. This is important because stronger bones and muscles can enable you to perform physically demanding tasks more efficiently and even avoid some musculoskeletal injuries.

Improve Your Sleep

If you are struggling with insomnia, then you need to start working out. Since physical exercise relaxes your body and relieves mental stress, it can enable you to sleep better.

How To get Started

Some examples of calisthenics exercises include pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, jump squats, push-ups, crunches, and burpees, among others. As such, you don't need any gym equipment to work out. This means that you can do it anytime, anywhere, and therefore, you no longer have any excuse not to exercise!
While you do not need gym equipment to start working out at home, using a power tower or dip station in your workout can really boost your fitness efforts. For instance, if you feel that you are not strong enough for body weight exercises, support bands can help with making your body lighter, which will make it easier and safer for you to exercise.


Overall, it is apparent that working out is one of the most important things that you need to do to stay physically and mentally healthy. It is also clear that you do not have to invest in expensive gym equipment for you to start working out at home. Instead, you can make use of your body weight to exercise from wherever you are, and this is what calisthenics is all about. But although gym equipment is not needed, investing in a dip station or power tower can significantly enhance your experience while working out. Following a pre-defined exercise program like this one can also improve your results, the important thing is to get started and you don't need a gym membership or anthing like that to get started. Kick-start your 2021 with calisthenics, and be sure to enjoy the various benefits that come with staying physically fit.