Home Workout vs Gym: Which Option Is Better for You?

When it comes to exercise we all know we need to more of it, but finding the motivation to do it is a challenge in itself. And we can quite easily find every excuse not to do it, such as having no time, no equipment, or we just can’t get to the gym right now.

But the need to work out won’t simply go away. After all, your health depends on it. So, it’s up to you to stop looking for excuses and instead find ways to get regular exercise wherever you can.

This is where we compare the home workout vs gym workout. Each has its pros and cons, so in this article, we’ll look at which options are best for you and help get you on track to keeping fit and healthy.

The Gym – Pros and Cons

Man doing a military press

For many, joining a gym is their first step to getting fit, and paying for a membership can be enough motivation to start. What’s more, is you get so many options in one place and all the equipment you could ever need. Plus, there are classes available, a sense of community, and all of that encourages you to work out.

But the gym is not without its drawbacks. For starters, you have to pay every month whether you go or not. You also have to get ready and travel there which can also be a pain. Then you’ve got lots of people there who can be annoying, distracting, or they hog all the machines you want to use.

Home Workout – Pros and Cons

Working out at home may be a better alternative and can mitigate the cons of the gym. For starters, you don’t have to pay that membership fee, so you save money right off the bat. You don’t need to travel anywhere, so it’s very easy and convenient. Plus, there’s no other people, so you can just get on and do whatever you want.

But it can also have its downsides. It can be hard to find adequate space to perform exercises and you won’t have all the equipment the gym has. Also, being at home you have to muster up the motivation yourself (no one else will!). And exercising alone in a small space may get a bit boring too.

Home Workout vs Gym Workout

Now we’ve addressed some of the pros and cons of each, let’s delve a little deeper into why you may benefit more from a home workout than a gym one. The gym is a little intimidating when you’re new and you have to learn how to use all the equipment. If you don’t, you open yourself up to injury.

At home, you can create your own gym and only buy the equipment you need, if any at all. One of the main benefits of home workouts is that you create it yourself and you go at your own pace. It may take some discipline, but building that discipline in itself is a skill the gym won’t give you.

What’s more, you don’t have to worry about people watching you, and your ego won’t get in the way. And when you don’t have the equipment, you don’t risk doing anything you’re not ready for. You can simply do bodyweight exercises that are plentiful, varied, and highly beneficial.

What Exercises Can You Do at Home?

It all depends on your goals and whether you wish to buy additional equipment, but many exercises can be done in your garden too. For burning calories and improving fitness, you can try HIIT. This is where you perform something like running, skipping, or boxing at varying levels of intensity. If building muscles is your primary focus a program like this might be just what you are looking for.

Or perhaps you prefer something a little calmer like yoga. This is a great way to work on strength and flexibility at a slower pace while helping to de-stress from the comfort of your own living room.

Woman Doing Crunches

If you want to up your game with additional resistance, think about getting yourself a pull-up bar, resistance bands, or some kettlebell weights. This type of equipment is cheap, easy to use, and can perform a wide range of different exercises, you can read more about that here. Of course, you don’t even need any of that…

What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics involves exercises that use only your own body weight, which can be adapted to varying levels. This incorporates specific movements that help you master your body and develop functional strength, stability, flexibility, and coordination. In short, calisthenics is a complete training method anyone can do with big benefits.

Calisthenics enhances your ability to run, jump, lift, pull, push, bend, and twist, by improving coordination and strength in a safe and controlled manner. The exercises include things like squats, pull-ups, dips, and push-ups, but there’s hundreds to choose from and they give you that foundational strength to build upon.

Calisthenics vs Gym

Calisthenics provides a safe way to train your body and improves neuro-muscular connection so that you can use your body as it was intended while strengthening it. It helps you prepare the body for progressing to weights through incremental advancements.

One of the best things about calisthenics is that you don’t need all that gym equipment and it can be performed anywhere. As far as fitness tips go, if you’re new to exercise, calisthenics is one of the best places to start.


If you’re looking to get back into fitness, or if you’re just getting started, hopefully, this has helped you identify the benefits of a home workout vs gym workout. A gym is a great way to train with others in your community and has all sorts of equipment to choose from. But it comes at a cost.

The cost of training at home is minimal but hugely beneficial. All you really need is the discipline to do it and a little know-how of what to do. So if you’re after more tips in this regard, then head on over to our blog and check out what’s new, or check out our brand new exercise nexus where you can look around for different bodyweight exercises, what muscles they train and how to properly do them.

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