The Benefits of Having Your Pet As a Training Partner

Staying active has been shown to bear numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally. Various health champions continue to insist on the importance of taking time to regularly exercise and it goes without say that working is one of the greatest things you can gift your body. The Centre for disease control and prevention(CDC) recommends various weekly activities for adults to help them stay fit. For example, adults should have a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 minutes every week and a muscle-strengthening activity for two or more days a week. Exercising makes you feel happier, helps you lose extra weight, increases your energy levels, reduces your risk of chronic diseases, improves your sleep quality among other amazing benefits.

Unfortunately for most of us, we always have an excuse to postpone working out. In my case for example I postponed working out for almost a year even though I had already bought a nice pair of sneakers and even included regular exercise as one of my new year resolutions. I simply could not put away my popcorns, switch off my favorite TV program, and hit the gym. It always felt like an uphill task until I realized there was no shortcut to keeping fit. one secret I discovered however is that it gets easier if you have a partner and even better when you choose your pet as workout buddy.

Benefits of Having Your Pet as A Training Buddy

Man's best friend

The dog has always been known to be man's best friend and it's now more than that; it's man's best motivation. You need the motivation to start exercising and more so keep going for months and years down the line without giving up. I am one of the pet owners who credit their workout motivation to their dogs. My dog is energetic, full of life, and loves to play with me. It gives me the motivation to stay active and is always excited to work out with me.

Always There for You

Nowadays everybody is busy. Your schedule may be conflicting with your partner's or friend's and that means you they cannot exercise with you. on other days they could be too tired, moody or just don't want to be in your company. When you have your pet as workout buddy you can be sure it will always be there for you.

Dogs Are Reliable Training Partners

One thing you do not want when you have committed your mind to work out is a training partner who is not reliable. It can actually be frustrating and very annoying to keeping getting a "not today" response from your human training partner. Fortunately, dogs always have the time for you. they are never running late on some appointment, going to parties, attending to their spouse, or doing something that can stop them from exercising with you.

Exercise Both for You and Your Pet

Just like you your dog also needs its daily dose of exercise. Instead of creating a separate time to walk it and have it do some workouts, why not kill two birds using one stone? you both will have a great time together and bond even more.

Dog on a leash

Most dogs walk at a speed of 15 to 17 minutes per mile which is one of the best walking speeds to keep you healthy. Take advantage of your pet's natural speed and keep fit. You only need to discourage them from stopping every time to smell the bush.

How to Workout with Your Dog

Not all gyms are pet friendly but on the flip flop, it is not the only place you can do your workouts. With bodyweight exercises like calisthenics, you can build muscle right in your home with your poochie.

Below are four tips on how to exercise with your dog


To do sit-ups with your dog, get its favorite fetch toy. Lower yourself then return to the original position. While there throw the toy away for your dog to fetch it for you. make sure you complete your sit-up before they bring it back to you. Do this as many times as you want and you can be sure your dog will love it.

Slope/Stair Run

Run with your dog up and down a hill or staircases. A stair exercise tires the dog in addition to engaging most of its muscles. For greater legwork with your fur friend choose a larger staircase. You can start slowly then increase your speed gradually. Take care not to trip your dog!.


Some dogs make great running partners. However, before you start running with your dog, you need to take it to your veterinarian to confirm it's in good health. You can compete with your dog in sprinting by throwing its favorite toy away and instead of the dog fetching the toy as it did during sit-ups, try getting it yourself.

Light Jog or Run

Jogging is one of the most rewarding exercises you can do with your dog. According to a scientific research published in The Journal of Preventive medicine, walking a dog alone has a plethora of physiological and mental health benefits both to you and your furry friend. If walking alone is such rewarding, imagine what benefits can come with establishing a routine jog or run—say half an hour jog in the morning and another one in the evening. Being in good shape is as important to you as it is to your dog, and if you've been asking yourself how to workout with your dog, now you have the answer.

Find a pet-friendly track and make sure you have comfortable running gear. You can as well bring a bottle of drinking water and a foldable bow to keep you and your dog well hydrated. Running is an intense or high-impact sport, as such, you need to start out slow with a light jog, build up slowly and increase the pace with time. When your dog has built up endurance and is in better shape than it was when you started, you can decide to take it for a hike once in a while for a cardio challenge.

How About a Swim?

Still, asking yourself how to workout with your dog? Swimming is an alternative low-impact workout you and your dog can do, especially on hot afternoons.


Having a pet as a workout buddy is very rewarding not just because of the training you do toghether but also for the bond you'll develop. Exercising with your dog is therapeutic as it helps improve moods and reduce depression and anxiety. That said., for a successful journey with your dog, start by setting practical fitness goals, teach yourself and your dog how to stay focused, and maintain a routine.

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